Overview of MT4,Basic use of MT4,How to display an indicator in MT4,How to use MT4 smartphone

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You can display objects such as Trend line, Ressitant line on MT4 screen just like MT4 on your PC right on MT4 Smartp ...

Overview of MT4,How to display an indicator in MT4

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What is a trend line?

A straight line that connects two lows if market prices rise and two highs if market prices fall ...

Basic use of MT4,How to display an indicator in MT4,How to make money by analyzing forex charts,Overview of XM Group

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What is Equidistant Channel?

Equidistant Channel is an indicator that automatically adds a trend line parallel to the ...

Overview of MT4,How to display an indicator in MT4

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What are Bollinger Bands?

Bollinger Bands are technical indicators designed to complement statistical techniques on th ...